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Showing posts from July, 2013

Registration is open

Registration is now open for the next season.  We would like everyone registered this week so that we can plan for next year.  Early registration will also help us when we negotiate pool space with local pools. Remember your registration is refundable, so once the schedule is out, if after speaking with us you/we can't make it work, you will get your money back. Register here:

Early Season Schedule/Stroke Clinic

Fall Schedule Senior & High School Group August 12 to September 11 at Northland Community Center Location will change as summer dwindles/if the weather forces us indoors. Sunday 5:00-7:30 Monday through Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm Saturday 7:00-10:00 am *Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays please arrive prepared for 60-90 minutes of dry land Silver, Scarlet & Buckeye 3 Stroke Clinic August 26-September 11 at Northland Community Center Location will change as summer dwindles/if the weather forces us indoors. Advanced Clinic: Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm Intermediate Clinic:  Sundays 5:30-6:30,  Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 Sept. 12-October 5 location TBA Scarlet 1 & 2 Optional dry land Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00-7:00 at Alum Creek State Park Dam & Beach (drop off at the Dam, pickup will be announced each day at drop off) *swimmers will need to bring running shoes that can get mud on them, water bottle, suit, goggles & a

Officials Clinic

Hi Buckeyes - please consider giving back to swimming by becoming an official.  Anyone can do it, and it can be very rewarding.  Since Ohio Swimming is an all volunteer organization, we are always looking for new officials. Central Commission Officials and Teams: The date for the Central Commission Ohio Swimming Inc. Fall Officials Clinic is set for Sunday SEPTEMBER 29, 2012 at the Worthington Northwest Library, Hard Road, Worthington, from 1 to 4 PM. All officials are required to attend at least one clinic per year and may elect to attend a clinic in another commission (Cincinnati, Dayton or Toledo). PLEASE do share this information with your teams, we will be holding a training session for any new people who wish to become apprentices. If you plan to attend bring either $6.00 in cash or a check made out to Ohio Swimming Inc. in the amount of $6.00 for your clinic fee. RicK Bunner Officials Chair Central Commission Ohio Swimming Inc.


I am starting to hear from some of your swim friends - thank you! Please remember to send your friends that are not currently on a USA swim club our way. Registration FAQ Q: Will Buckeye offer a Spring & Summer program in 2014? A: Yes!  It will be very similar to this years spring & summer program. We just felt that there were too many very good reasons to have a winter only option this year at all levels.  This is why your information is only for this Winter. Q: When will the schedule be available? A:  The August & early September will be released tomorrow (July 23).  We are waiting to hear back from OWU and CNY regarding time indoors.  This is needed to set up the remainder of our school year schedule. We expect to hear something next week.

Practice schedule this week

The Buckeye Too, Silver & Scarlet swimmers will be on a modified schedule this week. Monday morning - no Too, Silver or  Scarlet practice. Monday & Tuesday evening - no change Tuesday through Friday morning Silver & Scarlet  8-9:30 am Wednesday evening - fun meet at Northland. Warm-Up at 5 pm Thursday evening, no practice. Senior Schedule : Tuesday - 6-9 / 4-6 Wednesday - 6-8, followed by Breakfast @ Tiffany's (Frisch's) on 23N      $7 for buffet, drink not included Wednesday pm - distance swimmers only (milers, 400 FS - your decision) Thursday - 7-8 for those swimming Thursday @ Senior meet, 7-9 for others

Texting Mania

In speaking with the coaches, we have all noticed an increase in casual texts to us from parents.  And often times, the parents actually want to speak about something important.  Over the course of the Regional week-end our entire staff was inundated with texts starting at 4:55 am and going as late as 11 pm.  While texting is a very convenient way to ask a quick question or to let us know that you're running late, please think before sending that text. If it takes more than 160 characters to convey what you wish, please email or call.  If it is an important subject to you, please email or call. If we don't have a gaggle of kids around us before or after practice, you are also welcome to speak to us there.  If we do have a gaggle of kids, it may be hard for us to appropriately respond to you, but by all means try (we do like speaking with you)! Thanks, Your Buckeye Coaching Staff

2013-2014 Registration

Important!  Lower fees & lower commitment  - please read! Registration for Fall & Winter is now open.  You can get information and register at our new website: We have several important changes for the year: Your commitment is through March of 2014 rather than through the entire year. Buckeye, Silver & Scarlet swimmers will start the season with a 6 week stroke clinic. We have added a High School Training Group. We will add an optional Distance training group that will meet approximately once a week. We will add optional morning practices for those early birds out there.   If we get enough interest, we will add a morning Masters group. Unfortunately, we do not have a training schedule yet.  We hope to add some of that late next week.  We are attempting to pick up weekday practice time at the North YMCA, OWU and one secret location (it's a long shot anyway).  If anyone has a contact at the Josephenum - please pass

Fun Meet

Didn't swim in a summer league?  This meet is for you! We have been invited to a fun meet against the  Northland Barracudas!  This is a yards meet and will be swum at the same pool where we have morning practice (6000 Beechcroft Rd) Date: Wednesday, July 24 Warm-up: 5:00 Meet 6:00 Events: 8 & under, 9-10 25 fly, 25 back, 25 br & 25 free 11-12, 13 & over 50 fly, 50 back, 50 br & 50 free Fun relays Please email me ASAP if you would like to attend.

Safe Sport Information for Parents

2013-2014 Schedule

We are working on the 2013-14 schedule and should have some general information out within two weeks. We are in rough draft stage but believe many of you will be very pleased by what we have to offer. We have some challenges that we are hoping to address to help make the program more appealing to a wider variety of swimmer.  Here are some of the things you have asked us to address: Offering or expanding on our seasonal programs to better accommodate multi sport swimmers Adding a loyalty program. Offering expanded practice options (distance group, turn group, new swimmer group, etc.) Finding more pool space. Regarding pool space - we have received the OK from the Boy Scouts legal counsel to lease and build at Camp Lazarus.  We are currently waiting on an OK from their board and need to decide who is responsible for what financially in this arrangement.  We have heard nothing new from The Lakes. In the meantime, we need everyone to help recruit new swimmers to the team.  We&

Senior Practice Schedule this week

Due to the swampy conditions in Columbus, we are moving senior dry land to the afternoons and indoors.  Please make note of the following changes for this week: Tuesday & Thursday morning: swim 7-9 am at Northland Tuesday & Thursday afternoon: Dryland 3-4, swim 4-6 at Columbus North Sports Club

Silver & Scarlet -Response Needed

All Silver & Scarlet swimmers should be entering a minimum of one day of the Regional Championship meet in Bowling Green.  So far, I've heard from all but 54 of you!  Please follow this link and pick at least one day to swim.  Entries are due by midnight. .c om/swim-reg/login?a=283056403

Practice Schedule this Week

We have practice schedule changes this week in an attempt to work around parades, holidays, fireworks and still be prepared for meets. Seniors/Scarlet 2: No afternoon/evening practice Weds & Thursday.  7-9 am this Thursday at Northland. Scarlet 1/Silver: Wednesday stroke clinic will be 4-5:30.  No practice Thursday (all day). Buckeye 1/Too: No practice Thursday Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Northland Pool

The pump is up and running at Northland Pool.  However, we encountered a new problem when we arrived this morning.  Upon arrival it was apparent that there was a pH imbalance at the pool.  The staff at Northland is working hard to correct the imbalance quickly, and we hope to be OK to swim there tomorrow morning.  If not, we will send a Ringya text by 7 am and will once again move practice to Columbus North.