We are using two picture sharing sites that you can follow and be a part of. First is Shutterfly. Here you can upload pictures from meets to share with the rest of the team. This site is restricted to members only, so that we can safely and securely share our photos with each other. You can join via this link: http://bkhy.shutterfly.com/
This spring, we also started a Pinterest site under the name Buckeye Swimming. We try to post recipes, dry land training ideas, motivational pictures and meet pics there. We'll usually have a board for each meet we attend. Feel free to follow for some light info and entertainment from BKYS. If you are interested in being able to pin to any of our boards to help contribute to our site, please let me know. I can give pining rights to multiple people.
This spring, we also started a Pinterest site under the name Buckeye Swimming. We try to post recipes, dry land training ideas, motivational pictures and meet pics there. We'll usually have a board for each meet we attend. Feel free to follow for some light info and entertainment from BKYS. If you are interested in being able to pin to any of our boards to help contribute to our site, please let me know. I can give pining rights to multiple people.
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