As a rule of thumb we will not cancel practice unless there is a safety issue that would keep us from putting your kids in the pool. If we do need to cancel, we will text you. As a reminder, our cold policy is that we consider keeping the kids out of the water when the air is under 55 and/or the water is under 75. Fortunately, we have yet to have a serious safety issue arrive, but our less experienced swimmers have had to have shortened water time due to cooler temps. Today we swam 90 minutes with our 9-12's and 2 hours, 15 minutes with our 13 & overs before anyone got a shiver. The practices have been tough too! Way to go to those that have been able to do this!! We are very proud to be coaching a group of swimmers that look for challenges in all sorts of ways.
The Pollock Family has donated about 60 t-shirts sporting the new team logo to our Booster Club. The shirts come in a variety of colors and sizes. Each family will have their chance to pick ONE shirt on Monday or Tuesday at practice. On Wednesday, any shirts remaining will be available to anyone. A donation to the booster club for your shirt is optional. The kids are now receiving their team t-shirts that were made exclusively for kids and coaches. Kast-A-Way has not yet printed our red t-shirts, if you would like to order one I suggest you call today. These shirts are being printed on a light weight t-shirt from Sport Tek.
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