Registration is now open!
Please use the links provided below to register. We appreciate your prompt attention to this so that we can begin planning.
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There is also an offer at the end of registration to save $10 by buying some premium Active Membership. You do not need this!– it is about $70 a year and completely unnecessary.
If you are registering for a competitive program, you only need to pay the $195 registration fee at registration.
If you are registering for a season program, Fall Session 1 is open. You will need to pay your session fee and the $150 registration fee.
Assigned training groups can be found in the link provided in this email in my last email.
If you are not ready to move up a level you may decline the move.
If you have questions about your assigned group, please contact your group coach.
If you are missing, oh dear, that’s a mistake and I am so sorry – just email me!
If you are not ready to move up a level you may decline the move.
If you have questions about your assigned group, please contact your group coach.
If you are missing, oh dear, that’s a mistake and I am so sorry – just email me!
OUR POOL IS GOING DOWN FOR MAINTENANCEThe pool is scheduled to go down for much needed maintenance the 2nd week of September. This will rearrange our schedule a little bit and may cause us to start earlier. We will email registered swimmers this week with an updated schedule.
Booster Fees are collected separately
We have estimated the fees in our packet. However, these fees are collected separately and are decided by you! Go to meetings to have your voice heard.
We have estimated the fees in our packet. However, these fees are collected separately and are decided by you! Go to meetings to have your voice heard.
I look forward to seeing everyone back at the pool!
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