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Showing posts from 2013

Schedule Update

We are still working on a  schedule update for you.  As you know we are trying to move much of our programming out of the Columbus North Sports Club.  We are working on many, many different options and making numerous phone calls and emails daily to put together the best schedule in the best environment that we can for our team.  Please continue to email me with any questions or concerns you may have- it si so helpful when you keep those lines of communication open with us.  I want to thank the parents that are working hard with me to help make some of these alternatives a possibility.  The help is much appreciated! Thanks also to those that have shown their support by registering early for next season. It is so much easier to put together a schedule when we know who we are scheduling for! Remember that registration is $70 & refundable this year.  If you have not already done so, please register here: We do anticipate a v

Faster than a National Record Holder?

4 of our swimmers this summer combined to be a team record that is faster than a National Record Holder and Olympian! Congratulations to all of our swimmers that broke team records this summer.  We had a another season of fast swimming and great team efforts.  i wanted to take a moment to share with you who broke team records and the accomplishments of some of those former record holders. Senior Boys 200 & 800 Free Relay Tom Dawson, Keanan Fomich, Cam Hackett & Andrew Davis combined to break our boys relay records.  The previous 200 free record include an OSU college swimmer on the crew of 4!  Brian Dillard, one of the prior record holding relay members went on to swim for Harvard & Steve Plogsted went on to swim for OSU. 10 & Under Boys 200 Medley Relay Chase Bateman, Graham Weidenhamer, Thaine Nederveld and Chase Swearingen combined to best the prior relay of Masyuki Kishida, Sean Maloney, Matt Finney & Kyle Maloney.  Kyle Maloney went on to be named swimm

Registration is open

Registration is now open for the next season.  We would like everyone registered this week so that we can plan for next year.  Early registration will also help us when we negotiate pool space with local pools. Remember your registration is refundable, so once the schedule is out, if after speaking with us you/we can't make it work, you will get your money back. Register here:

Early Season Schedule/Stroke Clinic

Fall Schedule Senior & High School Group August 12 to September 11 at Northland Community Center Location will change as summer dwindles/if the weather forces us indoors. Sunday 5:00-7:30 Monday through Thursday 4:00-6:00 pm Saturday 7:00-10:00 am *Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays please arrive prepared for 60-90 minutes of dry land Silver, Scarlet & Buckeye 3 Stroke Clinic August 26-September 11 at Northland Community Center Location will change as summer dwindles/if the weather forces us indoors. Advanced Clinic: Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-7:00 pm Intermediate Clinic:  Sundays 5:30-6:30,  Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 Sept. 12-October 5 location TBA Scarlet 1 & 2 Optional dry land Mondays & Wednesdays 5:00-7:00 at Alum Creek State Park Dam & Beach (drop off at the Dam, pickup will be announced each day at drop off) *swimmers will need to bring running shoes that can get mud on them, water bottle, suit, goggles & a

Officials Clinic

Hi Buckeyes - please consider giving back to swimming by becoming an official.  Anyone can do it, and it can be very rewarding.  Since Ohio Swimming is an all volunteer organization, we are always looking for new officials. Central Commission Officials and Teams: The date for the Central Commission Ohio Swimming Inc. Fall Officials Clinic is set for Sunday SEPTEMBER 29, 2012 at the Worthington Northwest Library, Hard Road, Worthington, from 1 to 4 PM. All officials are required to attend at least one clinic per year and may elect to attend a clinic in another commission (Cincinnati, Dayton or Toledo). PLEASE do share this information with your teams, we will be holding a training session for any new people who wish to become apprentices. If you plan to attend bring either $6.00 in cash or a check made out to Ohio Swimming Inc. in the amount of $6.00 for your clinic fee. RicK Bunner Officials Chair Central Commission Ohio Swimming Inc.


I am starting to hear from some of your swim friends - thank you! Please remember to send your friends that are not currently on a USA swim club our way. Registration FAQ Q: Will Buckeye offer a Spring & Summer program in 2014? A: Yes!  It will be very similar to this years spring & summer program. We just felt that there were too many very good reasons to have a winter only option this year at all levels.  This is why your information is only for this Winter. Q: When will the schedule be available? A:  The August & early September will be released tomorrow (July 23).  We are waiting to hear back from OWU and CNY regarding time indoors.  This is needed to set up the remainder of our school year schedule. We expect to hear something next week.

Practice schedule this week

The Buckeye Too, Silver & Scarlet swimmers will be on a modified schedule this week. Monday morning - no Too, Silver or  Scarlet practice. Monday & Tuesday evening - no change Tuesday through Friday morning Silver & Scarlet  8-9:30 am Wednesday evening - fun meet at Northland. Warm-Up at 5 pm Thursday evening, no practice. Senior Schedule : Tuesday - 6-9 / 4-6 Wednesday - 6-8, followed by Breakfast @ Tiffany's (Frisch's) on 23N      $7 for buffet, drink not included Wednesday pm - distance swimmers only (milers, 400 FS - your decision) Thursday - 7-8 for those swimming Thursday @ Senior meet, 7-9 for others

Texting Mania

In speaking with the coaches, we have all noticed an increase in casual texts to us from parents.  And often times, the parents actually want to speak about something important.  Over the course of the Regional week-end our entire staff was inundated with texts starting at 4:55 am and going as late as 11 pm.  While texting is a very convenient way to ask a quick question or to let us know that you're running late, please think before sending that text. If it takes more than 160 characters to convey what you wish, please email or call.  If it is an important subject to you, please email or call. If we don't have a gaggle of kids around us before or after practice, you are also welcome to speak to us there.  If we do have a gaggle of kids, it may be hard for us to appropriately respond to you, but by all means try (we do like speaking with you)! Thanks, Your Buckeye Coaching Staff

2013-2014 Registration

Important!  Lower fees & lower commitment  - please read! Registration for Fall & Winter is now open.  You can get information and register at our new website: We have several important changes for the year: Your commitment is through March of 2014 rather than through the entire year. Buckeye, Silver & Scarlet swimmers will start the season with a 6 week stroke clinic. We have added a High School Training Group. We will add an optional Distance training group that will meet approximately once a week. We will add optional morning practices for those early birds out there.   If we get enough interest, we will add a morning Masters group. Unfortunately, we do not have a training schedule yet.  We hope to add some of that late next week.  We are attempting to pick up weekday practice time at the North YMCA, OWU and one secret location (it's a long shot anyway).  If anyone has a contact at the Josephenum - please pass

Fun Meet

Didn't swim in a summer league?  This meet is for you! We have been invited to a fun meet against the  Northland Barracudas!  This is a yards meet and will be swum at the same pool where we have morning practice (6000 Beechcroft Rd) Date: Wednesday, July 24 Warm-up: 5:00 Meet 6:00 Events: 8 & under, 9-10 25 fly, 25 back, 25 br & 25 free 11-12, 13 & over 50 fly, 50 back, 50 br & 50 free Fun relays Please email me ASAP if you would like to attend.

Safe Sport Information for Parents

2013-2014 Schedule

We are working on the 2013-14 schedule and should have some general information out within two weeks. We are in rough draft stage but believe many of you will be very pleased by what we have to offer. We have some challenges that we are hoping to address to help make the program more appealing to a wider variety of swimmer.  Here are some of the things you have asked us to address: Offering or expanding on our seasonal programs to better accommodate multi sport swimmers Adding a loyalty program. Offering expanded practice options (distance group, turn group, new swimmer group, etc.) Finding more pool space. Regarding pool space - we have received the OK from the Boy Scouts legal counsel to lease and build at Camp Lazarus.  We are currently waiting on an OK from their board and need to decide who is responsible for what financially in this arrangement.  We have heard nothing new from The Lakes. In the meantime, we need everyone to help recruit new swimmers to the team.  We&

Senior Practice Schedule this week

Due to the swampy conditions in Columbus, we are moving senior dry land to the afternoons and indoors.  Please make note of the following changes for this week: Tuesday & Thursday morning: swim 7-9 am at Northland Tuesday & Thursday afternoon: Dryland 3-4, swim 4-6 at Columbus North Sports Club

Silver & Scarlet -Response Needed

All Silver & Scarlet swimmers should be entering a minimum of one day of the Regional Championship meet in Bowling Green.  So far, I've heard from all but 54 of you!  Please follow this link and pick at least one day to swim.  Entries are due by midnight. .c om/swim-reg/login?a=283056403

Practice Schedule this Week

We have practice schedule changes this week in an attempt to work around parades, holidays, fireworks and still be prepared for meets. Seniors/Scarlet 2: No afternoon/evening practice Weds & Thursday.  7-9 am this Thursday at Northland. Scarlet 1/Silver: Wednesday stroke clinic will be 4-5:30.  No practice Thursday (all day). Buckeye 1/Too: No practice Thursday Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Northland Pool

The pump is up and running at Northland Pool.  However, we encountered a new problem when we arrived this morning.  Upon arrival it was apparent that there was a pH imbalance at the pool.  The staff at Northland is working hard to correct the imbalance quickly, and we hope to be OK to swim there tomorrow morning.  If not, we will send a Ringya text by 7 am and will once again move practice to Columbus North.

New Website Coming Soon

We have signed with Swimtopia to provide our web services including registration, website and meet sign ups.  This is a somewhat new service, however it has received great reviews from the teams that have been using the service.  We are hopeful you will find the new site much easier to navigate.  We hope to be live by mid July.

Patch Sew-on

Lisa Indest will have her fantastic sewing machine at practice again this Tuesday from 5:30-7 pm.  Please bring your silver bags and patches to have your team patches sewn onto your bags.  Please have your bags nearly empty as it makes it easier to sew. ANYONE that can help sew & has a sewing machine is invited to come help this Tuesday.

Practice Attendance

We have had a couple parents ask when the coaches would like to see the kids this summer.  Long Course practice is a rare opportunity that should not be missed for our 8 and overs.  Hopefully this chart below will help your week.  We have MANY practice opportunities available and a VERY shot summer training season.  Please take  advantage of these while they are here! Senior  - all morning practices, most evenings (please communicate with Lew) Scarlet 2 - 7 of 9 practices, this should be 4-5 mornings and 2-3 afternoons Scarlet 1 - 2-5 morning practices and 1-2 afternoons practices. 5 of 8 practices total. Silver 2 - 2-3 morning practices and 1-2 afternoon practices. 3 to5 of 8 total. Silver 1 - 1-3 morning practices and 2-3 afternoon practices.  3 to 5 of 8 total. Buckeye 1/Too  - 2 afternoon practices. If you are not participating on a summer league team, you will need to participate in more practices with Buckeye.

Morning Practice

Sunrise at Northland

Practice Cancellation Policy

As a rule of thumb we will not cancel practice unless there is a safety issue that would keep us from putting your kids in the pool.  If we do need to cancel, we will text you.  As a reminder, our cold policy is that we consider keeping the kids out of the water when the air is under 55 and/or the water is under 75.  Fortunately, we have yet to have a serious safety issue arrive, but our less experienced swimmers have had to have shortened water time due to cooler temps. Today we swam 90 minutes with our 9-12's and 2 hours, 15 minutes with our 13 & overs before anyone got a shiver. The practices have been tough too!  Way to go to those that have been able to do this!!  We are very  proud to be coaching a group of swimmers that look for challenges in all sorts of ways.

Findlay Meet Schedule

The meet schedule for the Findlay meet is as follows: Friday June 14 AM Session OPEN - Warm Ups 9 AM; Meet Starts at 10 AM PM Session 12 & Under / 13 & Over - Warm Ups 3 PM; Meet Starts at 4PM Sat / Sun June 15 & 16 AM Session 13 & Over - Warm Ups 7:30; Meet Starts at 8:30 AM This is a timed finals meet - no evening finals. The coaches will likely split responsibilities to this meet. Here's a link to the psych sheet:

Freedlander Meet/Wooster

Entries are needed for the Freedlander meet b y this week-end.  We will attend Friday & Saturday only.  Friday is offering the open 400 & 800 free.  We would like to see a large group of Scarlet & older swimmers participating in one of these two events.  Also on Friday is the 200 free  for younger swimmers and 400 for our more experienced crew.

Officials Needed

Hi parents - please read  - the meet needs officials this week-end.  If you are interested in becoming an official, please take a moment to talk to Buckeye parents Will Indest or Bill Hammond. Hello, We are very excited to have you at our Flag City Invitational meet on June 14 - 16.  If you could please pass on information to your club's USA officials that we welcome their help, I would greatly appreciate it.     Below are our session times.   Friday June 14 AM Session OPEN - Warm Ups 9 AM; Meet Starts at 10 AM PM Session 12 & Under / 13 & Over - Warm Ups 3 PM; Meet Starts at 4PM   Sat / Sun June 15 & 16 AM Session 13 & Over - Warm Ups 7:30; Meet Starts at 8:30 AM PM Session 12 & Under - Warm Ups 12:30 PM; Meet Starts at 1:30 PM Please have them email me what sessions they are available to work and if they have a position preference. My email address is and my cell is 614-561-6536 .  See you on deck. Th

Got a Sewing Machine?

I am looking for some volunteers that have a sewing machine and the ability to sew patches.  I think it would be fantastic if we could have a day at practice in the next week or so where we sew everyone's patches on their backpacks while they swim.  Please let me know if you are able to help!!

The Power of a Kind Word

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Leo Buscaglia I'm in deep thought this morning as I was reminded a few times over the week-end, the power of a kind word.  For those that were at the meet and sent yours kids to the bullpen, the OSSC ladies that ran it did a wonderful job.  They had an easy going demeanor, never shouted at the kids and calmly got them through the crowds and to the blocks on time. I noticed.  While picking up my heat sheets Saturday night, I was greeted by the staffer at OSU that 'kicked' us out of the Mike Peppe for asking a question or two (although at the time she acknowledged our timely entry and polite demeanor throughout the entire in/out debacle).  As she greeted me, a choice few complaints about the meet raced through my head (the meet was an exhausting one to coach), but out

Shutterfly & Pinterest

We are using two picture sharing sites that you can follow and be a part of.  First is Shutterfly.  Here you can upload pictures from meets to share with the rest of the team.  This site is restricted to members only, so that we can safely and securely share our photos with each other. You can join via this link: This spring, we also started a Pinterest site under the name Buckeye Swimming. We try to post recipes, dry land training ideas, motivational pictures and meet pics there.  We'll usually have a board for each meet we attend.  Feel free to follow for some light info and entertainment from BKYS.  If you are interested in being able to pin to any of our boards to help contribute to our site, please let me know.  I can give pining rights to multiple people.

Summer Small Groups

Reminder: NO small groups this week. This summer, we have replaced small groups with Stroke Clinics.  This is mostly semantics, but it is also so that we can include our Scarlet 1 swimmers in the small group opportunity.  Our stroke clinics will be staffed by a minimum of 3 coaches, which (we believe) will give us that all important 1 to 8 ratio.  We will have several teaching points that we want to include in the stroke clinics this summer.  Stroke Clinics are offered Monday & Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 at Columbus North.  Swimmers do not need to sign up for specific clinics and can attend as many as they like.  Many of our swimmers have summer team meets on Mondays OR Wednesdays and will only be able to attend one of these a week.

Practice Schedule this week

Monday, June 3 - regular practice schedule Tuesday, June 4  - all groups at Columbus North Sports Club Senior 1:30-4:30 Silver 4:30-6:00 Scarlet 4:00-6:00 (in water at 4:30) Buckeye 1 4:30-5, Buckeye TOO 5-6 Wednesday, June 5 All groups at Northland Community Pool (6000 Beechcroft Road) Seniors & Scarlet 9:30-12 Silver 10:30-11:45 Buckeye Too 10:30-11:15 Thursday, June 6 REGULAR SUMMER SCHEDULE BEGINS :) Download the schedule here All swimmers should wear or bring running shoes to all practices at Northland.

Summer Meet Saga

The summer meet strangeness continues.  We are back in the Mike Peppe meet. However, many of you were very excited to hear that we would return to the Wooster meet rather than attend OU on Sunday or Peppe that week-end.  Our kids that signed up for Peppe genuinely do need to attend that meet.  So this is our compromise to the entire team.  We will attend all of Peppe AND Friday & Saturday of Wooster.  The Wooster meet is now open on our entry sign up site.  As a reminder we do want all of our 8-14 year old swimmers attending 2-3 days of the Regional Championship meet July 12-14 in Bowling Green.

Safety Poster Contest

2013 USA Swimming Operational Risk Committee Safety Poster Contest Sponsored by Swimmer’s Edge Contest Details The objective of the Safety Poster Contest is to build awareness for safety in the competitive swimming environment.  Each Local Swim Committee (LSC) gets to pick its winner.  From the LSC winners the Operational Risk Committee will pick 10 posters to be displayed at the USAS Convention. The Grand Prize winner will be selected at Convention based on voting by visitors to the display.  All athlete members are eligible.  The Operational Risk Committee of USA Swimming invites you to create a poster for our Annual Safety Poster Contest, sponsored by Swimmer’s Edge .  The theme for this year’s contest is Safety at Swim Practice .  This contest promotes safety in our sport and is targeted to our athlete members.   The goal is simple: create a poster about Safety at Swim Practice (water or dryland) the rest is up to you and your imagination.  Please remember no co


I just sent out the first practice related change message via Ringya.  It appears that many of you have home phones and invalid numbers listed as your mobile phone.  Please, everyone, go to the Ruigya app and update your information so that we can quickly contact you when we have changes.

Practice Schedule May 24-June 5

Practice Schedule May 24-June 5 Please make note of changes to the schedule as we try to work with holidays, meets and school schedules NOTE: Please bring running shoes to all OUTDOOR practices. Friday, May 24, 2:00-4:00 Silver, Scarlet & Senior 2-4 at the Powell Pool (Olentangy Swim Association, 245 Village Park Dr, Powell, OH 43065) No practice at Columbus North *If you are still in school, you are welcome to come late and possible stay a little later than 4. Saturday, May 25 at Powell Pool (Olentangy Swim Association) 9:00-11:00: Silver, Scarlet & Senior 10:00-11:00 Buckeye 1 & Too The weather looks a little chilly for Saturday morning, we will do our best to have a  productive practice.  Silver and Scarlet should be prepared for dry land.  We'll warm the kids up nicely on land then throw them in. Sunday & Monday - NO PRACTICE - enjoy your holiday week-end Tuesday, May 28 through Thursday May, 30 - regular practice schedule Friday, May 31 throu

Memorial Week-end practice schedule

We will be on a  modified schedule for the holiday week-end.  We plan to offer practice Friday & Saturday outdoors.  Friday practice will be in the early afternoon and Saturday practice in the morning.  We are waiting to hear the open status of the pool that has indicated that we can rent from them this week-end (they are doing repairs on a  leak) and expect to know on Thursday.  PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL ON THURSDAY NIGHT.  If we cannot get into the outdoor pool, we will be at Columbus North Sports Club. No practice Sunday and Monday - enjoy the holiday!!

Mike Peppe Entries are Due today

The Mike Peppe (pronounced peppy) meet entries are due today.  Please note that ALL seniors should attend this meet.  Age group swimmers should attend this meet only if they ARE NOT attending Regionals.  If swimmers are trying to qualify for JO's Regionals is indeed the better meet (there are more swim opportunities).  Sign up here:

Hotel for Indy Meet

Staybridge Suites 9780 Crosspoint Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46256 (317) 577-9500 We have 7 Studios Queen bed with pullout and kitchen for $93.00 plus tax 7 King fro $103.00 plus tax The cutoff is June 20th just mention you are with Buckeye Swim Club. The price is a little higher for less than a 2 night stay. Thanks to Sandy Hammond for arranging this!

Summer Jam & Mike Peppe Entries

Summer Jam entries have been sent.  1/3 of our swimmers appropriately responded to the invitation.  Note that we received the meet file on Wednesday morning and were asked to get our entries to the meet host at 8 am this morning.  We have asked if we can add swimmers as late as Friday this week.  We do not yet know if they will accept additional entries.  HOWEVER, if you would like to be one of those swimmers considered, please log in and enter by Wednesday night. Please note that Peppe entries are due 5/20.


Several people have asked which meet they should attend Flag City in Findlay, Ohio or the Summer Jam in Fishers, Indiana (Indianapolis). The Summer Jam is indoors and will be more comfortable for our younger swimmers (Silver 1, 8 & under).  Our 9-10 swimmers can pick either meet or do both (both meets are timed finals for this age group).  We would like our 11 & overs to swim both meets.  Swimmers will be entered int heir best events at the Summer Jam. At Flag City, they will be entered into events that they do not normally try, or in their best stroke but a different distance.  This will give our swimmers the opportunity to grow their events list and abilities.  This also keeps their best events 'fresh' for the Summer Jam. Peppe vs. Regionals The other popular question is which meet to swim -Mike Peppe or Regionals.   Here's the entry guide: If you are swimming Ohio JO's and not Regioanls, enter Peppe if you would like. If you are swimming Regionals but


Some of you have recently received an invite to a smart phone app called Ringya.  This is coming from me and isn't some strange form of spam   The app allows me to upload our roster for each training group.  I believe this will be very useful this summer if we ever need to cancel or change due to weather.  The app allows us to text each member on the roster with last minute notifications or changes.  Please log into the app if you would like to make sure your information in correct.  It also gives you a contact list of all of the parents in your group.

Ohio Department of Health Concussion Information Sheet

Dear Parent/Guardian and Athletes, This information sheet is provided to assist you and your child in recognizing the signs and symptoms of a concussion. Every athlete is different and responds to a brain injury differently, so seek medical attention if you suspect your child has a concussion. Once a concussion occurs, it is very important your athlete return to normal activities slowly, so he/she does not do more damage to his/her brain. What is a Concussion? A concussion is an injury to the brain that may be caused by a blow, bump, or jolt to the head. Concussions may also happen after a fall or hit that jars the brain. A blow elsewhere on the body can cause a concussion even if an athlete does not hit his/her head directly. Concussions can range from mild to severe, and athletes can get a concussion even if they are wearing a helmet. Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion Athletes do not have to be “knocked out” to have a concussion. In fact, less than 1 out of 10 concussions

Ohio's Return to Play Law

Ohio's Return-to-Play Law: What a Parent/Guardian Needs to Know – Youth Sports Organizations For athletes participating in youth sports organizations (non-school sports): 1. Starting April 26th, 2013, parents and athletes are required to receive a concussion information sheet annually for each sport. 2. Coaches, referees, or officials must remove an athlete from play if the athlete is exhibiting the signs and symptoms of a concussion during practice or a game. These include: • Appears dazed or stunned. • Is confused about assignment or position. • Forgets plays. • Is unsure of game, score or opponent. • Moves clumsily. • Answers questions slowly. • Loses consciousness (even briefly). • Shows behavior or personality changes (irritability, sadness, nervousness, feeling more emotional). • Can’t recall events before or after hit or fall. • Any headache or “pressure” in head. (How badly it hurts does not matter.) • Nausea or vomiting. • Balance proble

Summer Practice Schedule

Here's the tentative summer practice schedule :)  Can't wait to start enjoying some outdoor pool time.  Please note that we are training mornings at the Norhtland Community Pool - this is different than Northland Swim Club (where we were last year).  It is 161 & Beechcroft.

Silver & Scarlet Conferences

Parent-Coach Conference times are now available for all parents of Silver & Scarlet swimmers.  Please choose a 15 minute slot to have a brief conversation with Coach Laurie regarding your swimmers progress, our plans for further progress and any concerns you might have.  Please note that pressing concerns should not wait until conference time.  If you have an immediate need please email or call ASAP.

Cincinnati Meet Closed

Unfortunately, our team was not able to get entries in before the Cincinnati meet was closed. Because of this, we will not attend either meet in Cincinnati the week-end of May 17-19. We are working on a  team building activity for May 18 or 19 and will let you know if we are able to put something together. We will be submitting meet entries the moment they open for the OSSC meet, and hope that will be sufficient to get into the meet.  Please make sure you accept or decline your entry ASAP.  Thanks!

Meet Invites - what to do with them

We just emailed you your meet invites.  PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THESE EMAILS!   Simply hit the respond now button (see the example below) and click on attend or decline.  We really need you to decline if you are not attending. You will get these emails even if you  have   already  signed up.  The system is not smart enough to pull out those that have already accepted.   Your credit card is not charged until we finalize entries.  This is typically done AFTER we hear from the meet host that our entries were accepted (5-10 days before the meet). Enjoy your summer with this sign up system - we like it about as much as you do - we are getting rid of as soon as swimtopia is ready to take us on as a new client.  Check them out at Sample e-mail: We are now accepting entries for the upcoming 2013 OH OSSC Spring into Summer Splash. Please respond to let us know whether or not you plan to attend the meet. Swimmer name: Makenzie Karr Swimming ID: 040296M

Pool Committee Forming

Update - we are still looking for 2-3 more people (have 3).  Really you just need to be upbeat and have the ability to keep me (Laurie) focused and moving towards digging a hole and filling it with water.  I'd like to meet this week, so please respond today that you want to join us! We are forming a pool committee to help us get this pool built and up and running.  We now have land options and need to make some decisions in the coming weeks to get moving forward again.  We need a group of people to start helping in order to see this to the end!  Here is what we are looking for: Anyone that is positive, motivated and can do research necessary to help build (talking to architects, engineers, builders, etc). Anyone that has experience or connections with the things we need: Excavating Plumbing Electric Engineering (Civil & Structural) Building/Construction Home builders Concrete work We would like to see if we can entice a home builder or construction company to

Practice location reminder

Buckeye 1, Buckeye Too, Silver 1, & Silver 2 : All Tuesday & Wednesday practices are at the North YMCA *Silver siblings can attend Scarlet practice at the sports club.  We have two coaches at these practices to handle the variety in ability. Sunday practices are at OWU for all groups. We only have two more Sundays due to meets and holidays! The summer practice schedule will be out later in the week.

Regular Spring Practice Schedule begins today

April 22-June 2 Senior Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 3:45-6:30 Tuesday 6-8:30 Saturday 7-10 am Sunday 6-8:30 pm at OWU Scarlet Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 6:15-8:30 Tuesday 4:30-6:45 Friday 5-7 (1st hour is dry) Sunday 6-8:15 pm at OWU Silver Tuesday & Wednesday 4:30-6 at North YMCA. Please let your coach know if your school schedule will cause you to be late. Thursday 5:30-7 Friday 5:00 & 6:00 Small Groups Saturday 8-10 am (1st hour is dry land) Sunday 6-7:30 pm at OWU Buckeye 1 & TOO Tuesday & Wednesday 1: 4:30-5, TOO: 5-6 @ North Y Saturday 1: 8:30-9 am; TOO: 9-10 am Sunday 6-7 at OWU IMPORTANT NOTE • All Sunday practices are at Ohio Wesleyan • Tuesday & Wednesday: Silver and Buckeye 1, TOO will share 3 lanes at the North YMCA • SILVER & SCARLET SIBLINGS:  Silver Siblings of Scarlet swimmers should attend practice at Columbus North Sports Club with the Scarlet group on Tuesdays & Wednesdays.

Enroll in Kroger Community Rewards

You can easily support our Boosters by enrolling in the Kroger Community Rewards program and point your Kroger Plus Cards towards Buckeye Swim Club Boosters. Kroger gives 4 million dollars per year towards registered organizations and the money is allocated based on the percentage spend of each registered organization. Each year in April, Kroger requires all individual participants of each registered organization to Re-Enroll. I have attached the instructions on how to Enroll and how to Re-Enroll. The Buckeye Boosters will earn approximately $400 per quarter through the Kroger Community Rewards Program!  Please note that Kroger no longer tracks individual accounts.  All monies earned go directly to our boosters.   Kroger Community Rewards Program:  Reenroll • Go to  and Sign In • Go to Account Settings under My Account • Click Edit under Community Rewards • Search  80337 or  Buckeye Swim Club • Click Save and you are Re-enrolled Kroger Commun

Silver & Scarlet practices begin next week

April 22-June 2 Senior Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 3:45-6:30 Tuesday 6-8:30 Saturday 7-10 am Sunday 6-8:30 pm at OWU Scarlet Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 6:15-8:30 Tuesday 4:30-6:45 Friday 5-7 (1st hour is dry) Sunday 6-8:15 pm at OWU Silver Tuesday & Wednesday 4:30-6 at North YMCA. Please let your coach know if your school schedule will cause you to be late. Thursday 5:30-7 Friday 5:00 & 6:00 Small Groups Saturday 8-10 am (1st hour is dry land) Sunday 6-7:30 pm at OWU Buckeye 1 & TOO Tuesday & Wednesday 1: 4:30-5, TOO: 5-6 @ North Y Saturday 1: 8:30-9 am; TOO: 9-10 am Sunday 6-7 at OWU IMPORTANT NOTE • All Sunday practices are at Ohio Wesleyan • Tuesday & Wednesday: Silver and Buckeye 1, TOO will share 3 lanes at the North YMCA • SILVER & SCARLET SIBLINGS:  Silver Siblings of Scarlet swimmers should attend practice at Columbus North Sports Club with the Scarlet group on Tuesdays & Wednesdays.

Give Back to Swimming - Become an Official

It's easy to be an official and give back to the sport that your child adores.  Plus you get free snacks at meets and can watch the action from the front row!  if you are interested in being an official the first step is to attend the spring officiating clinic.  Read on for the details: Sunday, April 28, 2013, 1 to 4:30 PM, Worthington Northwest Library, Hard Road. As a reminder in addition to our other varying requirements to officiate, you must also attend one officials clinic per calendar year either at the Central Commission (Columbus) or you may elect to attend one in Cincinnati, Dayton or Toledo. When attending please do bring either $6.00 in cash or a check made out to Ohio Swimming Inc. for the clinic fee.

Parent -Coach Meetings

Coach Laurie will be meeting individually with Silver & Scarlet parents in late April & early May.  At this meeting we will discuss each swimmers progress and lay out a plan for future improvement & progression through our team.  This will also be your chance to discuss anything that you need improved from our staff.  If you feel that your child needs something that we are missing, we want to hear from you.  Sign ups for these meetings will be available in the next week or so.  In the meantime, if you have something pressing to discuss, please call or email.

Your RSVP is needed by Friday

It's time to celebrate an amazing year at Buckeye!  Please RSVP this week for the team banquet this week.  The banquet will be held April 21 at The Lakes.  You can find everything you need to RSVP here:

Buckeye Select Practice Schedule

Buckeye 3's  - please contact coach Laurie for a practice schedule.  I've had a couple of Buckeye 3's interested in starting later and would like to accommodate that whenever possible. Buckeye TOO weeks of April 8 and April 15 Tuesday & Thursday 5-6 at Columbus North Sports Club Saturdays 9-10 Buckeye 1 weeks of April 8 & April 15 Tuesday & Thursday 4:30-5 Saturdays 8:30-9 Sunday practices begin April 28

Senior & HS Practice Schedule

Senior & High School group swimmers will resume practice Monday, April 8.  For the first two weeks (April 8-20), practices will be held 3:45-6pm Monday - Friday and 7-10am Saturday mornings. Dry-land will be 3:45-4:30 and swim will be 4:30-6 (M-F) and 7-8 / 8-10 (S).  There will be no Sunday practices until a later date.  We understand that some of you are participating in other spring activities.  The first two weeks are a great chance for you to get a jump-start on training and conditioning. We had a GREAT short course season and want to keep the ball rolling (somehow, that doesn't go with swimming..."keep the fin kicking?") going into the long course season.  It would be nice to get some qualifying times out of the way this summer.

Digital Splash: Finding the Perfect Fit for College Swimming

For many graduates, receiving a high school diploma  doesn't  diminish their desire to swim. They are just as passionate in the water after graduating as they were when they first jumped in a pool. For such athletes, college swimming is the perfect fit. In college, student-athletes can continue to progress in their sport, compete in state-of-the-art facilities, create lifelong friends and potentially get help paying for their education. Read about how to find the right college swimming program for you in “ The Perfect Fit, ” published in the digital edition of the March-April issue of Splash.


BY CHRIS ROSENBLOOM, PHD, RD, CSSD A young swimmer asked me about after-practice recovery snacks, specifically if she needed a special product marketed as an “after” workout recovery drink. She didn’t really like the taste of the commercial product and wondered if there were good alternatives. I admired her “food first” approach and suggested she try some of the recovery snacks listed below. A good recovery snack provides carbohydrate to replenish muscle glycogen and a small amount of protein to aid in repairing and strengthening muscles. Recovery nutrition is most important for swimmers who train daily or compete in several events over the course of a day(s) during a meet. 1. Almond or peanut butter and fruit jam sandwich on whole grain bread. If you are tired of peanut butter, try almond butter for a new taste. Almonds contain the antioxidant vitamin E and are a good source of protein. Mix the nut butter with quality carbs from the bread and fruit jam for a tasty recovery snack

Scarlet & Silver Break

We are getting ready to begin our Scarlet & Silver break from the pool.  All Scarlet's & Silvers will have April 1-21 off.  We hope this is enough time for you to all miss us and look forward to being back in the water. At Buckeye we believe strongly that a break from training is great for forgetting bad habits.  When the kids return we begin anew on our emphasis of good and effective technique. Open practices this week are Monday, Weds & Thursday from 4-5:15.

Senior & Buckeye Select Breaks are ending

The Buckeye Select swimmers are near the end of their 5 week break and will return to the pool on Tuesday, April 9.  Please note that the first two weeks of practice will be held entirely at Columbus North Sports Club. The Senior group is nearing the end of their 4 week break and will return to the pool on Monday, April 8.  Coach Lew will communicate the schedule directly with you.

2012-2013 Swim Season Banquet

Buckeye Swim Club 2012-2013 Swim Season Banquet Where:      The Lakes Country Club 6740 Worthington Road Westerville, OH 43082 When:       Sunday, April 21, 2013 Time:         5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Let’s celebrate a great season of swimming! The evening will include… Dinner- Mixed Garden Greens, Shredded Cheddar, Diced Tomatoes, Croutons& Ranch and Italian Dressings; Fruit Salad, Garlic Bread, Herb Grilled Julienne Chicken, Penne Pasta, Meat Sauce, Alfredo, Marinara, Parmesan Cheese, Chef's Choice Vegetable Medley, Chicken Fingers with BBQ Sauce and Honey Mustard) Dessert Awards- Each swimmer receives a participation award. Cost: $18 per adult/$10 per child *As with all USA Swimming events, this event is alcohol free.  Those that wish to enjoy an adult beverage may do so after we officially conclude the business of handing out awards (approximately 7/7:15 pm). Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase cash only or members apply to account. T