We have uploaded an excel spreadsheet of our current cap order. Please review the spreadsheet and make sure your order is correct and (if you ordered personalized caps) the correct name is listed. You may make changes directly to the spreadsheet (do not email coach) and you have until Monday night to do so. When you registered for Buckeye, the system was set up to require a red cap order. A few of you accidentally ordered a silver cap without ordering a red cap. You will need to add on to your order, choosing one of the following options:
- Replace your silver cap with one red team cap, no personalization. Additional $2.
- Replace your silver cap with two personalized red caps. Additional $17.
- Keep your silver cap and add one of the two above options (one red cap is $10, two personalized caps are $25).
Intro to swim team kids are not required to have a team cap. If you would like your purchase of a cap refunded, please email coach Laurie at laurie@bkyswim.com
LONG HAIR? CAP FALLS OFF... We now have an option for kids with very long hair, causing the cap to fall off at meets. This cap has a little more room for extra hair :) If you would like to add this option, please place an x in the option on the spreadsheet. There is no extra charge for this. I'll have a sample at practice this week and Sunday.
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