We have asked each coach their preferred communication method to pass along to you. Please remember that we treat texts the same as a phone call - please text during the same hours that would be appropriate to pick up a phone and call. If you are trying to communicate in the wee hours of the night or morning, an email would be more appropriate. Also, if it doesn't fit in one text, please send an email. If you are texting a coach for the first time, please include your name.
Coach Laurie
Email laurie@bkyswim.com
Phone (614) 562-0544
Preferred in person, text or email. Phone calls may take a few days to return.
Please contact me for billing questions, Scarlet and general team questions. I am the person that finalizes all meet entries as well.
Coach Lew
Email ltimberman@gmail.com
Phone (614) 783-4171
Preferred in person, phone or email. Long text messages should be emails.
Coach Jenn
Email jennsecrest17@gmail.com
Phone (614) 657-3982
Text or email will get the quickest response. Phone calls may take a few days.
Coach Jess
Email jessward.m@gmail.com
Phone (614) 562-9619
Text or email or is fine.
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