May 17-19 Cincinnati – two meets Meet 1: CM Pepsi Cola Spring Invite, all ages, no cuits, timed final Meet 2: Senior Circuit meet at Powel Crosley YMCA, Senior cuts, prelim/final May 31-June 2 OSSC Spring into Summer, prelim/final, yards in prelims, LCM at finals June 14-16 Flag City, timed finals in Findlay June 21-23 FAST Summer Jam, Fishers (Indy), prelim/final, no cuts June 26 Ohio open water championships July 5-7 Mike Peppe* *We will only take our 13 & overs and any 9-12 year old that is already qualified in the max events at JO's July 7 BSC summer B meet at Ohio U July 12-14 Age group regionals @ BGSC July 18-21 Ohio JO Champs @ Miami July 25-28 Ohio Senior Champs at Kenyon