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A Note from Coach Julie

Hello Buckeyes!

I have a passion for promoting swimming and keeping in shape, but also a compassion for helping out others.  As many of you know, I am a triathlete! A triathlete competes in a triple race event of swimming, biking, and then running to the finish line.

This year, I was chosen to be 1 of 56 triathletes in the U.S. to race for a national triathlon team called Eleonore Rocks. The mission of Eleonore Rocks is to provide a bit of comfort to the families, children and babies in medical crisis by donating rocking chairs to NICUs, pediatric units, and hospital rooms throughout the United States.

To find out more about the Eleonore Rocks organization, you can go to

A rocking chair will be donated to a hospital for every $450 that is donated through my link to help provide comfort to pediatric patients and their families.  You can even specifically designate your donation in the name of or to remember a special loved one.  There is a review box to post such remembrances on my site.

The direct link to donate to support my efforts toward this cause is:  Please read my profile about why I am so excited to be a part of this great Triathlon Team. :-)

Please don’t be intimidated when you see the $450 donation request. Just look a few spaces below that number and click on the down arrow to bring up the $5 + levels.

Any donation (Tax Deductible!!) that you might be able to make would be greatly appreciated.  You will get an email acknowledgement and also a letter of gratitude from the organization via regular postal mail.

Even if you are unable at this time to make a monetary donation, please log onto my Eleonore Rocks page and post a comment in the "write a review" link to support of my efforts.   All of your comments will be a great motivator in the coming racing event season.  I may be racing off, but I am also mindful that there are very small little ones that need the comfort of even a few quiet moments of snuggle time while enduring medical issues.

I am very excited to be associated with Eleonore Rocks this year!

Swim on!
Coach Julie


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