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Showing posts from June, 2013

New Website Coming Soon

We have signed with Swimtopia to provide our web services including registration, website and meet sign ups.  This is a somewhat new service, however it has received great reviews from the teams that have been using the service.  We are hopeful you will find the new site much easier to navigate.  We hope to be live by mid July.

Patch Sew-on

Lisa Indest will have her fantastic sewing machine at practice again this Tuesday from 5:30-7 pm.  Please bring your silver bags and patches to have your team patches sewn onto your bags.  Please have your bags nearly empty as it makes it easier to sew. ANYONE that can help sew & has a sewing machine is invited to come help this Tuesday.

Practice Attendance

We have had a couple parents ask when the coaches would like to see the kids this summer.  Long Course practice is a rare opportunity that should not be missed for our 8 and overs.  Hopefully this chart below will help your week.  We have MANY practice opportunities available and a VERY shot summer training season.  Please take  advantage of these while they are here! Senior  - all morning practices, most evenings (please communicate with Lew) Scarlet 2 - 7 of 9 practices, this should be 4-5 mornings and 2-3 afternoons Scarlet 1 - 2-5 morning practices and 1-2 afternoons practices. 5 of 8 practices total. Silver 2 - 2-3 morning practices and 1-2 afternoon practices. 3 to5 of 8 total. Silver 1 - 1-3 morning practices and 2-3 afternoon practices.  3 to 5 of 8 total. Buckeye 1/Too  - 2 afternoon practices. If you are not participating on a summer league team, you will need to participate in more practices with Buckeye.

Morning Practice

Sunrise at Northland

Practice Cancellation Policy

As a rule of thumb we will not cancel practice unless there is a safety issue that would keep us from putting your kids in the pool.  If we do need to cancel, we will text you.  As a reminder, our cold policy is that we consider keeping the kids out of the water when the air is under 55 and/or the water is under 75.  Fortunately, we have yet to have a serious safety issue arrive, but our less experienced swimmers have had to have shortened water time due to cooler temps. Today we swam 90 minutes with our 9-12's and 2 hours, 15 minutes with our 13 & overs before anyone got a shiver. The practices have been tough too!  Way to go to those that have been able to do this!!  We are very  proud to be coaching a group of swimmers that look for challenges in all sorts of ways.

Findlay Meet Schedule

The meet schedule for the Findlay meet is as follows: Friday June 14 AM Session OPEN - Warm Ups 9 AM; Meet Starts at 10 AM PM Session 12 & Under / 13 & Over - Warm Ups 3 PM; Meet Starts at 4PM Sat / Sun June 15 & 16 AM Session 13 & Over - Warm Ups 7:30; Meet Starts at 8:30 AM This is a timed finals meet - no evening finals. The coaches will likely split responsibilities to this meet. Here's a link to the psych sheet:

Freedlander Meet/Wooster

Entries are needed for the Freedlander meet b y this week-end.  We will attend Friday & Saturday only.  Friday is offering the open 400 & 800 free.  We would like to see a large group of Scarlet & older swimmers participating in one of these two events.  Also on Friday is the 200 free  for younger swimmers and 400 for our more experienced crew.

Officials Needed

Hi parents - please read  - the meet needs officials this week-end.  If you are interested in becoming an official, please take a moment to talk to Buckeye parents Will Indest or Bill Hammond. Hello, We are very excited to have you at our Flag City Invitational meet on June 14 - 16.  If you could please pass on information to your club's USA officials that we welcome their help, I would greatly appreciate it.     Below are our session times.   Friday June 14 AM Session OPEN - Warm Ups 9 AM; Meet Starts at 10 AM PM Session 12 & Under / 13 & Over - Warm Ups 3 PM; Meet Starts at 4PM   Sat / Sun June 15 & 16 AM Session 13 & Over - Warm Ups 7:30; Meet Starts at 8:30 AM PM Session 12 & Under - Warm Ups 12:30 PM; Meet Starts at 1:30 PM Please have them email me what sessions they are available to work and if they have a position preference. My email address is and my cell is 614-561-6...

Got a Sewing Machine?

I am looking for some volunteers that have a sewing machine and the ability to sew patches.  I think it would be fantastic if we could have a day at practice in the next week or so where we sew everyone's patches on their backpacks while they swim.  Please let me know if you are able to help!!

The Power of a Kind Word

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Leo Buscaglia I'm in deep thought this morning as I was reminded a few times over the week-end, the power of a kind word.  For those that were at the meet and sent yours kids to the bullpen, the OSSC ladies that ran it did a wonderful job.  They had an easy going demeanor, never shouted at the kids and calmly got them through the crowds and to the blocks on time. I noticed.  While picking up my heat sheets Saturday night, I was greeted by the staffer at OSU that 'kicked' us out of the Mike Peppe for asking a question or two (although at the time she acknowledged our timely entry and polite demeanor throughout the entire in/out debacle).  As she greeted me, a choice few complaints about the meet raced through my head (the meet was an exhausting one to coach), but out...

Shutterfly & Pinterest

We are using two picture sharing sites that you can follow and be a part of.  First is Shutterfly.  Here you can upload pictures from meets to share with the rest of the team.  This site is restricted to members only, so that we can safely and securely share our photos with each other. You can join via this link: This spring, we also started a Pinterest site under the name Buckeye Swimming. We try to post recipes, dry land training ideas, motivational pictures and meet pics there.  We'll usually have a board for each meet we attend.  Feel free to follow for some light info and entertainment from BKYS.  If you are interested in being able to pin to any of our boards to help contribute to our site, please let me know.  I can give pining rights to multiple people.

Summer Small Groups

Reminder: NO small groups this week. This summer, we have replaced small groups with Stroke Clinics.  This is mostly semantics, but it is also so that we can include our Scarlet 1 swimmers in the small group opportunity.  Our stroke clinics will be staffed by a minimum of 3 coaches, which (we believe) will give us that all important 1 to 8 ratio.  We will have several teaching points that we want to include in the stroke clinics this summer.  Stroke Clinics are offered Monday & Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 at Columbus North.  Swimmers do not need to sign up for specific clinics and can attend as many as they like.  Many of our swimmers have summer team meets on Mondays OR Wednesdays and will only be able to attend one of these a week.

Practice Schedule this week

Monday, June 3 - regular practice schedule Tuesday, June 4  - all groups at Columbus North Sports Club Senior 1:30-4:30 Silver 4:30-6:00 Scarlet 4:00-6:00 (in water at 4:30) Buckeye 1 4:30-5, Buckeye TOO 5-6 Wednesday, June 5 All groups at Northland Community Pool (6000 Beechcroft Road) Seniors & Scarlet 9:30-12 Silver 10:30-11:45 Buckeye Too 10:30-11:15 Thursday, June 6 REGULAR SUMMER SCHEDULE BEGINS :) Download the schedule here All swimmers should wear or bring running shoes to all practices at Northland.

Summer Meet Saga

The summer meet strangeness continues.  We are back in the Mike Peppe meet. However, many of you were very excited to hear that we would return to the Wooster meet rather than attend OU on Sunday or Peppe that week-end.  Our kids that signed up for Peppe genuinely do need to attend that meet.  So this is our compromise to the entire team.  We will attend all of Peppe AND Friday & Saturday of Wooster.  The Wooster meet is now open on our entry sign up site.  As a reminder we do want all of our 8-14 year old swimmers attending 2-3 days of the Regional Championship meet July 12-14 in Bowling Green.